Beyond the Dream Horse
Beyond the Dream Horse - A Revealing Perspective on Attaining a True Relationship describes how turning around many standard beliefs about horses and training can allow an honest relationship to flourish. True experience providing a different perspective and insight that help remove the self-created wall that often separates people from horses. This is not about herd behaviour, rather it is about the astounding possibilities that exist between horses and humans. It is about achieving the elusive relationship of which is often only dreamed. © 2010-2024 Michael Bevilacqua
“Some horse books are educational, some are inspirational and some, like this one, are both. His story has special interest because the decade in which the journey occurred,2000 to 2010, happens to be a landmark in the 5000 year history of horsemanship. As he writes, it was a period during which a ‘wave of change’ occurred.”
-- Robert Cook, FRCVS, PhD, Professor of Surgery Emeritus Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine;
Chairman, BitlessBridle Inc.
“Michael’s from-the-heart, fascinating accounts of his own journey and interactions with horses provide insight into genuine understanding along with solid ideas for experiencing better relationships. These captivating and affirming recounts - modestly, yet confidently and truthfully
written - say it all.”
-- Randi Peters, Natural Horse Magazine"A person would be well advised to study these notes of such a master."
-- Stormy May, Filmmaker / Producer of The Path of the Horse
-- Robert Cook, FRCVS, PhD, Professor of Surgery Emeritus Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine;
Chairman, BitlessBridle Inc.
“Michael’s from-the-heart, fascinating accounts of his own journey and interactions with horses provide insight into genuine understanding along with solid ideas for experiencing better relationships. These captivating and affirming recounts - modestly, yet confidently and truthfully
written - say it all.”
-- Randi Peters, Natural Horse Magazine
-- Stormy May, Filmmaker / Producer of The Path of the Horse
Available on Amazon international sites (Free Super Saver shipping with orders over $25)
Kindle version (English) is available on Amazon Kindle eBooks
Multiple eBook formats also available on Smashwords - Mobile apps and eBook at: Apple, Barnes & Noble, Diesel, Kobo, Sony
Some readers' comments are below.

Deutsch Ausgabe &
Enthalt fotos
Wahre Freundschaft zwischen zwei Wesen, gleichgültig ob Mensch oder Pferd, wird bedingt durch die Begegnung auf Augenhöhe, mit Liebe und Respekt. Du kannst sie finden, diese tiefe einzigartige Verbundenheit mit deinem Pferd, bei der ein einzelner Blick genügen mag, sich miteinander zu verständigen. Doch sei gewarnt, der Weg könnte hart und steinig werden! Bist du bereit, für dieses Ziel weit über das gängige Konzept des Traumpferdes hinauszuschauen? Bist du bereit, einen Großteil der bekannten Glaubenssätze über Pferde, Reiten und Training über Bord zu werfen? Wenn du nun, von der Abenteuerlust gepackt, bereits in den Startlöchern stehst, lediglich begleitet von deiner Neugier und einem vierbeinigen Partner an deiner Seite, dann bin ich mir absolut sicher, dass dies genau das richtige Buch für dich ist...

Édition française sur et
Série de photos ajouté
Ce livre décrit comment permettre à une relation honnête entre l’humain et le cheval de s’épanouir en se libérant des nombreuses croyances traditionnelles concernant les chevaux. La relation ne se base pas sur l’éthologie, mais plutôt sur les possibilités étonnantes qui surgissent au sein de la dynamique entre les chevaux domestiqués et les humains. Il s’agit ici d'atteindre la relation insaisissable dont on rêve souvent, mais que peu trouvent réellement.
A compilation of chosen articles from the 2011 series in an 8x10 full color coffee-table-style book.
Insightful, informative and personal, the diverse individual articles and photos help to shed light on the understanding of ourselves and horses.
Articles of 2012 (Volume 2) also available
Both books available on Amazon (Free super saver shipping on orders over $25)
A Few Reader Reviews...
Beyond the Dream Horse
Truly Inspirational
This book is far too good to miss out on. An inspirational read, that any horse lover should have. Michael Bevilacqua writes with passion and his love for horses, in a way that is clear and easy to understand. It is a beautiful example of what every horse owner can achieve: A complete understanding relationship between human and horse.
An amazing book that I will continue to read again and again!
- Suzanne Escobar - Spain
I found this book very helpful, imparting a rounder, fuller view of this journey we are on with our horses. It has been amazing to me that Michael's experiences learning and teaching his horses is so supportive....the emotional and visual help I am getting from this book is huge!
- Kathie Takach - USA
Read this book ... for your horses
As a new horse owner, I found myself wandering in the maze of all the training methods and approaches available today. None of them spoke to me ... none of them spoke to my heart. Until now. Yet, the author does not describe an approach or a method. Instead, he shares an entirely different way of being with horses. Michael Bevilaqua truly loves horses and candidly shares his many experiences of feeling and thinking differently about standard horse training. He heard what the horses were saying to him and found that it is possible to have a relationship based on mutual trust and love - to share a unique language. This book tells the story of how he left behind the old ways and set out on a new path, without force, bridles, pressure of any kind, dominance, or restraint. Having ultimately found his way to Nevzorov Haute Ecole (NHE) and becoming the School's Worldwide Representative, he clears up common misunderstandings about NHE, its research, and its unique way of being with horses. Michael's writing is clear, open, honest, and heartfelt. Novice or old hand, if you have horses in your life, you owe it to them to read this book.
- Monica Butschek, USA
A language that speaks directly to the heart
I have read a lot of books on horsemanship, but I must say that this is unique. What I want to share about it is the strong evocative power included in this book. A lot of 4D images! When I am with my horses, I think of several passages of that book. I recollect the images and perceive the variety of experience one person can make with horses, a full range! It is certainly a window on Michael's heart and love for horses. That window is wide open and by looking through it, I smile out of deep joy. I smile because with simple words, genuine images this book brings me back to The Journey, my Journey.Every single Journey of each of us is different from each other, athough we can see true similitudes. As usual I am the one who looks at what connects people instead of what separates them and I would like to encourage people to get into the book and take part of Michel's Journey with horses. Maybe that open window will attract their hearts too.
- Natascha Smargiassi - Switzerland
I want to give my personal thanks to Michael for his awsome book Beyond the Dream horse. It is the most beautiful inspirational book about horses I have ever read.
Lucie Votypkova - Czech Republic
I loved the openness of Michael's words.
His humbling journey is a joy to read.
The realization of his horses' communication with him and questioning mind of others' blinded eyes made my heart swell.
Thank you.
- Jane Feasey - UK
The book was sooo good. I am looking forward to rereading it and purchasing it as gifts...many people need to read this!!
It stopped me in my tracks, made me realize how far off my original track I had gone, and helped rebalance myself both with my horses and in my daily life.
- Annie Commonwood - USA
Overriding the status quo
Beyond the Dream Horse is a unique look into the world of horse-human relationships that overrides all the standard variations of the status quo of horse training. While the author does mention NHE (Nevzorov Haute Ecole) and explains how it is unlike any other commercial or conventional approach to having a relationship with a horse, NHE and Mr. Bevilacqua's association with it isn't the crux of this book. Instead, Beyond the Dream Horse alleviates a confrontational comparison between philosophies and gives permission to anyone who ever wondered why convention was necessary to believe in themselves and their animals above what any professional might declare...
- DBK Condrey-Miller - USA...
The words more than paint a picture
Michael Bevilavqua isn’t talking about the subservient relationship here – where the dream horse does everything perfectly exactly when you ask, with little or no expression. He’s talking about a relationship of equality where the horse is allowed to express its feelings and the person listens, just as they would to a true friend. I highly recommend this book as a source of inspiration to start or keep you on a new path of achieving that true relationship with your horses.
- Cynthia Cooper - Australia
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Reviews/Comments about the International Seminars
"I have attended many, many seminars but this was one of the most wonderful experiences I've had. Your extraordinary passion and commitment are inspirational... it was great to see you hold to the principles in the face of pressure you must have been feeling to make demonstrations and audience participation happen. The single biggest message was to be with the horses, feel them, offer them the choice to participate but not make them do anything they didn't show they wanted to do. Very powerful...and very did not bring the huge egos to the party that many of your famous peers ( you really don't have peers) bring. Your approachability...your respect for your audience...and your calm, gentle nature were refreshing and wonderful to be around..." - John Darman, MA, USA, Participant, NHE International Seminar 2011

Michael Bevilacqua is a contributing author to Operation E-Book Drop which provides free e-books to coalition and peacekeeping troops around the globe.
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The Book has sparked interest worldwide selling in: Australia, Canada, Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA...